

told me a lie 



Simon Chainsaw & the Hippy Killers – Told me a lie (2004)

Esse trabalho como já diria o saudoso Nelson Rodrigues, já estava pronto há mil anos, desde a eternidade, ele já existia!
Simon Chainsaw, na verdade é um vocalista australiano, o rapaz já teve inúmeras bandas, desde sua terra natal, Austrália, até a Alemanha e os EUA.
Como é que ele veio parar no Brasil, é que é uma incógnita, não está explicado direito, mas a verdade é que Simon é um operário do rock, e seus Hippy Killers, são uma ótima banda!
Sabem aquelas bandas sem frescuras? Rock de verdade, na veia? Uma boa mistura, está tudo lá, devidamente processado: uma pitada de Ramones, AC/DC, uma dose de Black Sabath, anos de experiência e temos uma banda que canta em inglês e português, toca acelerada, causando uma ótima sensação de que existem pessoas capazes de dar seu recado com fúria, velocidade e honestidade, esse é o Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers!
O cd lançado no ano passado, conta com 12 faixas, uma mais porrada do que a outra, a acelerada “Get It On”, abre o cd, dando as cartas logo de cara! Guitarras, distorção, bateria acelerada, letra em inglês...sem frescuras, rock legítimo!
Na segunda faixa, “Told me A Lie!, os vocais são em português e inglês, uma boa pitada de hard rock, mais porrada na bateria, um refrão legal e uma aula de guitarra e baixo!
Com saudades dos opalões, mustangs, mavericks, uísque barato e cigarros? Ouça “Hard Luck Guy”, uma faixa digna dos rocks dos anos 70 e 80, só que uma pitada anos noventa! Parece que estamos na auto estrada indo jogar sinuca e beber cerveja!
A quarta faixa, “Comunication Breakdown”, não é a mesma do Led Zepellin, mas é um rock menos acelerado, mais calmo, a fúria está lá, mas pontuando essa música, temos uma banda mais tranqüila, embora os refrões de guitarra e baixo se façam presente, a faixa é um descanso para a gelada, até recomeçar o barulho!
Running Out of Time, outra canção com o pé no acelerador, bateria um pouco mais forte, mais presente que nas outras faixas, afinal de contas, rock de verdade, tem que ter tudo isso, bateria, guitarras e baixo! Porque vocalista carismático e com boa voz, a banda já tem, por isso o casamento é perfeito!


1 – Get It On – Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers
2 – Pon A – Niños con bombas
3 – Misirlou – Dick Dale & His Del-Tones
4 – House of the Rising sun – The Animals
5 – Love Will Ter a Us Apart – Joy Division
6 – Believe – Franka Potente
7 – Du Hast – Rammstein
8 – Mindfields – Prodigy
9 – Desempregado – Ambervisions
10 – Cidade Cinza - Astronautas


SIMON CHAINSAW & THE HIPPY KILLERS: “Told me a Lie”. (Tronador Music)

Aquí tenemos a todo un trotamundos de la música, originario de Australia, SIMON CHAINSAW ha navegado por todo el mundo acompañado de su guitarra y unas ideas muy claras sobre como hacer las cosas. Muestra de ello son sus ya siete u ocho discos, o a saber si hay más, publicados en sus diferentes mutaciones. Y a casi 20 años después de formar su primera banda “Vanilla Chainsaws” topamos ahora con él en Brasil al frente de un nuevo proyecto junto a unos brasileños que bajo el nombre de Hippy Killers le acompañan con este nuevo disco en su larga y dilatada carrera. En “Told me a Lie” esta gente escribe una página de hard rock and roll con el ojo puesto en bandas como Foo Fighters o Rose Tattoo y con mucho sentido a la hora de ofrecer grandes temas de rock, melodía y empaque setentero. Muchos juegos de voces, escasos abusos de solos guitarrísticos y unas persistentes bases hacen que este disco se deslice por nuestros tímpanos con unas agradables sensaciones. Un disco que merece mucho la pena escuchar pero esto es Rock, ehhhh.


Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers - Told A Lie CD (Tronador Music)
Brazil is probably most known for hardcore/thrash, violent cops and carnivals, but S.C.H.K.'s brand of punk'n'roll might just change that. Its not terrible original but still pretty solid hardrocking stuff with some excellent guitar hooks and Australian born singer Simon Chainsaw does a great job. Actually the band sounds like it's from either Australia or Scandinavia. The songs are catchy and there's definitely a possibility for the band to make it big outside Brazil, especially when you read that they've been only been around since last year! Guest musicians includes members of other South American bands and Marky Ramone & The Intruders.

If you dig: Social Distortion, Turpentines, (early) Goo Goo Dolls



Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers
Told Me A Lie CD
(Tronador Music / Corrosion Productions)

Once upon a time, Ricecooker had a forum section which was not at all popular as people would rather bitch and rant on the comments section than getting into a proper forum. Anyway, the forum has since been killed by someone who thought that hacking is about annoying small time webmasters like me instead of sabotaging big corporations and government bodies. Here I would like to thank those few who were regulars in the ricecooker forum, sharing recipes to great films which they’ve seen.

One of the regulars was Simon Chainsaw, who would write all the way from Brazil telling us about his projects and his rock’n'roll adventures. It’s been a while since I heard from him but a few days ago I had a parcel in my mailbox and so here we are with two CDs by the man.

Simon is originally an Australian guitarist/vocalist who had quite a big time there in the mid-80s with The Vanilla Chainsaws, a band who counted TSOL, Husker Du and Echo and The Bunnymen as heroes. When the band folded Simon went on on his way travelling the US, UK and Europe making noise with several projects including The Chainsawmen in Chicago and also a solo project with the members of New Christs (ex-The Radio Birdman, essential legends of Australian rock’n’roll, garage punk).

Many years ago, Simon went to Brazil to oversee a best of compilation for The Vanilla Chainsaws which has gotten big there via several surf videos they were in. Liking what he saw and experienced, Simon decided to stay and live in Brazil and now his band Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers is one of the most happening crew in the Brazilian scene.

Anyway, on to the first CD; Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers’ barnstorming first album Told A Lie. According to a webpage I’ve been referring to, The Vanilla Chainsaws sounded more like a British Indie band rather than fellow Australians Radio Birdman or New Christ, but The Hippy Killers on the other hand actually belongs to that particular garage rock’n’roll punk rock sound updated and made real again by Radio Birdman back in the late 70s and recently modernised by bands like Turbonegro and Hellacopters. This is unpretentious, straight-ahead rock’n’roll in the style of early AC/DC but rooted as much as in punk rock (The Ramones) as in great rockin’ early power-pop (Live in Budokan-era Cheap Trick).

There are 12 tracks here, all legs-akimbo-low-slung-guitars and heads-down driving tunes with fiery guitar licks and air-punching choruses; something which is a rarity in the local scene. Yup, you can’t find a single rock’n’roll punk rock band here in Malaysia, and that’s the sad fact. And I’m sure there are tonnes of bands like this in South America, but Simon sings in English (with only a bit of Portuguese inserted here and there) and that makes The Hippy Killers a bit offbeat there.

Production-wise, this very, very clean, reminding me of latterday big-sound of The Ramones and this “quality” somehow takes away the fun a bit. Another area which could have been better is the vocals. Simon is a capable singer but it’s suited more to the power-pop (Teenage Fan Club) style rather than full-blown rawk. Maybe it’s the mix but a more forceful, desperate and raw singing would catapult this into the classics. So for those who are expecting early REO Speedealer or Zeke, this CD is almost there but a bit wanting in the reckless, abrasive department. Still if you are into the mellower bits there are songs like “I Said Well”, which somehow recalls The Hoodoo Gurus!

sample a coupla tunes:
Told Me A Lie
Get It On

Told Me A Lie    Tronador                


Simon Chainsaw and the Hippy Killers (Christ, what a mouthful!) are a Brazilian sleaze rock band that mix chugging, melodic 80’s flash-trash with Hellacopters style arena rawk and smooth the whole macho mess over with Bon Jovi-esque (!) pop metal hooks. Led by charismatic Aussie Simon*, the HK’s bash through a whole slew of could-be hits here that borrow liberally from the Ramones, Kiss, and Def Lep but still, somehow, manage to sound like a shiny new beast all their own. Best part of the whole trip might be the crazy, dive-bombing leads of home-grown axeman Fabio Marrone – check out the knots he twists his guitar into on “Hard Luck Guy” – but ultimately, it’s the gooey, chewy songs that’ll keep this one jammed on ‘repeat’ all summer long. Pretty smokin’ stuff.

*Dude, you ever see the way Brazilian girls dress? Also, no motherfucking kangaroos.


por: Wladimyr Cruz    ZONAPUNK.COM.BR

 Bem melhor produzido que seu trabalho anterior, "Told me A Lie" nos mostra um Simon Chainsaw bem mais a vontade.
Acompanhado pela banda The Hippy Killers e mais uma vez cheio de participações especiais, Simon continua na linha punk n' roll, porém, mais coeso.
Neste Cd participam os caras do Tequila Baby ("Told Me A Lie"), os caras do Frila ("Ain't No Right Or Wrong"), Chuck Hiplolitho do Forgotten Boys ("Running Outta Time"), Nery Vatos do Los Vatos ("Hard Luck Guy"), entre muitos outros.
O álbum é mais radiofônico que o anterior, destaque para a balada pop "I Said Well", canção que tem cacife pra emplacar nas "rádio rock" da vida.
Pelo andar da carruagem, a tendencia é que os trabalhos de Simon fiquem cada vez melhores. Vamos acompanhando.



Better produced than his previous record, TOLD ME A LIE shows us SIMON CHAINSAW is well at home with his sound.

Accompanied by his band HIPPY KILLERS and again full of special participations, SIMON continues on the PUNK’N’ROLL line but this time more cohesive.

On this CD there is the participation of the guys from TEQUILA BABY (told me a lie), Chuck Hipolito of Forgotten Boys (Running Out of Time), Nery of LOS VATOS (hard luck guy)between others.

The disc is more radio friendly than the previous, case in point “I SAID WELL”, a song that has the potential to be on the top of the rock radio station charts all over the world.

He’s riding a Charriott (picking up speed) and every disc just gets better…. Let’s join him for the ride.

Simon Chainsaw and the Hippy Killers – ‘Told Me A Lie’ (TronAdor Music)

Simon Chainsaw returns with his latest release and a new band into the bargain! Told Me A Lie takes up where 2002’s Basta left off.  Hard rock tinged punk with hook laden sing along choruses and blistering solos. Opener ‘Get It On’ kicks thing off in fine, feisty fashion. A rooting, tooting rockfest which segues nicely into the catchy mid paced title track, both songs setting the tone for the rest of the album. There’s maybe less of a Sonny Vincent influence this time around, and more of a 90s RnR sound, maybe even a nod to the Wildhearts? Hell they even throw in a ballad in the form of ‘I Said Well’.If I have one criticism of the album its that some of the songs run a little long but overall a more rounded and varied album than Basta which should appeal to those who dig hard rock with a Punk n Roll influence.

Ian Pickens /

-Simon Chainsaw & the Hippy Killers "Told me a lie"

: El bueno de Simon Chainsaw es un Australiano residente en Porto Alegre, Brasil. como todo buen descendiente antipodeano conoce al dedillo como reproducir la alta energia rockera que proviene de esas tierras. por si hace falta poner referencias : New Christs o Celibate Rifles le calzan perfecto. conoce a quienes acompañaron a Motosierra en sus presentaciones por el sur brasilero. de lo contario segui con tu puto control remoto en mano. .......................... Rastrillo Records


-Simon Chainsaw & the Hippy Killers "Told me a lie" : The great Simon Chainsaw is an Australian resident in Porto Alrgre, Brazil. Like good antipodean descendants he knows the tricks, like how to reproduce  great Australian style high energy rock. References like: New Christs or Celibate Rifles suit perfectly. Some know  they accompanied to Motosierra on their tour in the Brazilian south. Of it contario segui with your puto remote control in hand.


Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers - Told me a lie (2004) - Tronador Music

Simon Chainsaw, ex vocalista da banda Vanilla Chainsaw, em seu último cd "Told me a lie", apresenta um ótimo trabalho, com músicas mais melódicas que seu cd anterior, cheio de solos arrebatadores, som agitado e com letras bem interessantes e autenticas. O cd tem várias participações de integrantes de bandas como Forgotten Boys, Cachorro Grande, Tequila Baby, Marky Ramone and Intruders, entre outras. Mesmo Simon Chainsaw ser australiano, o cd foi todo gravado em Porto Alegre/RS. Um lançamento 100% nacional. Além de tudo isso, 2 videos-clipes como faixa multimidia. Vale a pena conferir, bem contagiante...

Por Jailson


Simon Chainsaw, ex vocalist of the band Vanilla Chainsaws, in his latest CD "TOLD ME A LIE" presents excellent work, with songs more melodic than his previous CD, full of ripping solos, an agitating sound with really interesting and original lyrics. The CD has guest spots from members of the bands FORGOTTEN BOYS, TEQUILA BABY, CACHORRO GRANDE, MARKY RAMONES & THE INTRUDERS among others. Even with SIMON being Australian this CD was totally recorded in Porto Alegre R/S (Brazil). A 100% national (Brazillian) release. Also there are 2 video-clips in the multimedia tracks. Well worth getting, very contagious....


Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers - Told Me A Lie (Tronador Music, CD)

元Vanilla ChainsawsのSimon Chainsawがブラジルで結成したガレージ・パワーポップ・バンドThe Hippy Killers初のアルバムリリース。ブラジルでは国民的人気バンドTequila Baby, Rose Tatooada, Cachorro Grande, Los Vatos, Os CascavelettesやForgotten Boys等のメンバーが参加。Social DistortionやAC/DCを思い起させるパワフルでワイルドな演奏にSimonのトレードマークであるキャッチーなメロディーが見事にミックスされた傑作!wizzard in vinyl.......





Típica cena de filme norte-americano: imagine-se ao volante de um Mustang antigão com o pé embaixo numa estradinha empoeirada no meio do deserto rumo ao nada, sol a pino, um Marlboro entre os dedos, cheios de anéis de prata envelhecida, e no banco do carona aquela gostosa de lábios vermelho carmim com uma pintinha acima da boca, empinando uma garrafa de Jack Daniel’s Black Label te chamando de “Bad Wolf”. Isso é Simon Chainsaw & The Hippy Killers!!!

Punk, hard, rock n’ roll. Simon é figura conhecidíssima do underground australiano e há algum tempo está radicado no Brasil. O cara é o rei da simpatia e inclusive já gravou outro discaço com os Forgotten Boys aqui mesmo. Nesse Told Me A Lie o chef de cozinha Chucky Hipolitho reaparece para uma canja em “Running Outta Time”. Canja, aliás, é o que não falta nesse cd de 15 faixas e dois clips matadores. Tem desde a galera punk rock da Tequila Baby matando a pau na urgentíssima faixa-título (destaque para o trecho cantado pelo Duda Calvin em português) até a guitarra certeira do Jaques Maciel da Rosa Tattooada, que ficou famosa ao abrir para o Guns N’ Roses no Brasil no início dos anos 90.

Mesmo quando resolve pisar na embreagem e diminuir a marcha os resultados são ótimos, vide “Communication Breakdown” (não confundir com o clássico zeppeliano) e “I Said Well”. “I Was Wrong”, “Get It On” e “1,2,3, Go, Go, Go!!!” (nome perfeito prum rock dos bons) são as mais perfeitas. Imagine o show dos caras, onde rola até cover de “Sonic Reducer”, dos Dead Boys, e às vezes Ramones e AC/DC. É lindo!

“Well it’s 1 for the money, 2 for the show, 3 to get ready, now go go go…” Gringo de casa também faz milagre! Obrigatório!


A typical scene from an American Movie: Imagine ………. you’re in a Mustang, foot flat to the floor , wide open road in the middle of the desert……. Sun on the back of your neck, gold tooth to the wind, a Marlboro between your silver ring encrusted fingers. In the passenger seat sits a babe with blood red lips. She’s passing you a bottle of Jack Daniels, and is calling you the “bad wolf”, TOLD ME A LIE is blasting from the stereo……. This is SIMON CHAINSAW AND THE HIPPY KILLERS!!

Punk, hard, Rock ‘N’ Roll. Simon is a well known rocker from the australian underground  scene and he’s living here (Brazil) now. He’s a very sympathetic guy and has already recorded an excellent CD here in Brazil with the guys from Forgotten Boys. In TOLD ME A LIE , Ghucky Hipólitho (Forgotten Boys) reappears to play in “Running Outta Time”. Special guests is something that calls attention in this 12 track release (with and 2 amazing videosclips). The list starts with Tequila Baby rockin’ wild on the title track (special attention to Duda Calvin, singing in portugues), Jacques Maciel of Rosa Tattooada destroyin’ everything on Running Out of Time (Rosa Tattooada became famous in Brazil after being opening band for Guns ‘N’ Roses in the early 90’s). Even when the CD slows down the results are very good, check it out on “Communication Breakdown” (it’s not the Led Zeppellin song) and “I Said Well”.

 “I Was Wrong”, “Get It On” and “1,2,3, Go, Go, Go!!!” (perfect name for a rock song) are the best… a state of art of the style. Imagine that during the show, where they play Dead Boys’ “Sonic Reducer” and sometimes Ramones and AC/DC. It’s beautifful!

“Well it’s 1 for the money, 2 for the show, 3 to get ready, now go go go…” The foreigner that lives here also makes miracles!  Don’t miss this one!

Alessandro Ferrony        PUNKNET


     "A SCHK faz um som pesado e vibrante, misturando rock pesado com punk rock, ideal para rolar durante aquela 'session' de surf ou skate. Para quem ainda não conhece (?!?!?!), Simon Chainsaw é uma lenda viva do rock australiano, e agora promete fazer muito barulho no mercado fonográfico brasileiro com a SCHK. Uma prova disso é o lançamento de 'Told Me a Lie', primeiro álbum da banda. São 12 pauladas, uma melhor que a outra! As duas primeiras faixas, 'Get It On' e 'Told Me a Lie' (esta com a participação do Tequila Baby), já dão uma idéia do que vem pela frente. Aumente o volume nas alucinantes 'Hard Luck Guy', 'Communication Breakdown', 'Break of Day' e '1,2,3 Go Go Go'. Destaque também para 'I Said Well' e 'Stamp Out Disco', duas músicas que merecem estar na trilha sonora dos melhores filmes de surf e skate. Animal !!!"

Jorge Streit "Surf Music Man"



