






Simon Chainsaw & The Forgotten Boys
Basta CD
(Tronador Music)

An older project (2000) by Mr. Chainsaw which is much more dearer to my ears as it’s wilder, faster and a notch rawer than The Hippy Killers project. According to some web pages, this was recorded while Simon was working as a guitar tech to Marky Ramone & The Intruders and also The Killing Joke who were touring the country back then, and so it features tonnes of different people helping out.

13 songs in 53 minutes, with brazen wild guitars solos and a cracking rhythm section, Basta is immediate headbanging pogo machine. It’s more “punk” and less power-pop too, hints of classic Steve Jones-style riffage (Always Wrong) and early Turbonegro-style headlong rush into the nearest wall (One For The Road).

So that’s it then. Those who like their “rawk” injected with that punkitude may have their all time faves, right from Zeke, Turbo to Speedealer and all that but now here’s a chance to sample something a bit more exotic. And for those who have just got introduced to “rawk” via The Datsuns or D4 or even the much lame Jet, Simon Chainsaw would be able to teach you new lessons in good ol punk bombast!

BASTA - Simon Chainsaw and The Forgotten Boys (Tronador)
Pair a gravelly-voiced ex-Sydney punk and Brazil's best guitar band and what do you have? The "Basta" album. Thirteen excellent tunes, including the truly great "Million Miles Away" and "Thinking 'Bout It" . Churning backline and dental drill guitars, this feels as good as it sounds.

Simon Chainsaw and the Forgotten Boys – ‘Basta’ (TronAdor Music)
Total Running Time – 53:15

Pleasant enough punk rock n roll with both pop sensibilities and a major hard rock edge.The riffing is solid if a little unoriginal in places with some definite metal influence.  Simon has obviously listened to a lot of Sonny Vincent and thrown in a pinch of Ramones, Rainbow (yes you read that correctly), Alice In Chains and Turbonegro on the noodly guitar solos most notably on ‘I’ve Been Down’ and opener ‘Thinking About It’.The Turbonegro comparison rears its head again on the title track a pounding rocker and one of the highlights of the album in my opinion. Worth checking out.



BASTA - Simon Chainsaw and the Forgotten Boys (Tronador)
Finally, this one's seen the light of day. A couple of us in the I-94 Bar have been singing the praises of onetime Vanilla Chainsaw-turned-citizen-of-the-world Simon Chainsaw for some time. "Basta" sees him working with a bunch of South American players and this f is a brutal slab of melodic rock that screams out for wider attention.

There's a backlog of Simon Chainsaw material in the can so you really have to ask the question: Does it really take an Aussie based in Brazil to put label resources behind an album like this? As well as "Basta" (recorded while Simon was working in Brazil as a guitar tech for touring overseas bands like Marky Ramone and the Intruders and Killing Joke, some of whom would haul him up on stage), waiting in the wings is a disc with him fronting French Detroit rockers Holy Curse, a record ("Rock n Roll Uranus") spawned by a coupling with Sonny Vincent's German band, an album's worth of classic Oz punk covers (only awaiting guest soloists), a fiery album ("Badass Roadshow") with ex-New Christ/Panadoll Al Creed and another brutal set with yet another Brazillian punk band, the Hippy Killers. Simon writes driving, guitar-based rock with lashings of melody, with growling but tuneful vocals (hence the Chainsaw tag).

These are some of the best - and shortest - songs he's written, all but one clocking in at less than 4mins each. Hooky songs like "Thinking About It" and "Million Miles Away" mix it with grinding ("Bag of Bricks", "Always Wrong") and driving rockers ("Basta" and the Lime Spiders-like Killing Off the Past"). Plus, there's a masterful cover of the Saints' "No Time" that pits guitar against hot boogie piano (the guitar wins, but it's a close run thing).

Dunno why Brazil doesn't spring to mind when someone says "rock" - South America's produced some mind-bending psych in the late '60s and acts like the Ramones are (still) worshipped there in a way that makes the Beatles look like they couldn't have gotten arrested. Simon's lolcal mates, the Forgotten Boys, provide (warning: bad pun approaching) "memorable" backing and are as tighter than a tourist's grip on his wallet in some of the seedier parts of San Paulo. If you want local flavour, the title track is sung for the most part in Portugese. Your guess is probably better than mine as to what Inocentes singer Clemente is singing as guest vocalist, but it sounds OK.

For a while the Vanilla Chainsaws (in retrospect) shaped as worthy contenders on a very crowded Australian scene. That they didn't probably came down to a lot of things, but you have to wonder if Simon hadn't caught the travel bug that his profile in his home country might not be higher. No problem. Get in on one of the best kept secrets and give this a spin. (While you're at it, snap up the Chainsaw Men disc he churned out with ex-Gamma Men drummer Steve Gardner in San Diego too a few years ago. It' cheap as chips in our store or from NKVD.) - The Barman


-Simon Chainsaw & the Forgotten Boys "Basta" :

con la primera formacion de los chicos olvidados de sao paulo S. Ch. se dio el gusto de registrar este esplendoroso disco que solo contiene Killer R&R por momentos fresco y coreable por otros mas duro y callejero. uno de los inolvidables documentos que Arturo Franquini (R.I.P. broder), 1er batero de F.Boys, dejara en esta tierra.  ...................... Ratsrillo Records


-Simon Chainsaw & the Forgotten Boys "BASTA : Recorded with the 1st line up of the FORGOTTEN BOYS from Sao Paulo.  This magnificent disc contains not only fresh KILLER R&R  but also hard and out on the street lyrics. This disc also documents the hand of Drummer Arturo Frankini (R.I.P. Brother) the 1st drummer of the F Boys. 


O que poderia acontecer quando uma lenda do underground australiano se encontra com uma das mais promissoras bandas do nosso cenário underground? A resposta resume-se nesse álbum "Basta", com muito Rock'n Roll. O Cd ainda tem várias "figurinhas carimbadas" como o Clemente (Inocentes), Rafael Crespo e Daniel Sanches (Planet Hemp), André Fonseca (Okoto) e Johnny Pisano (Marky & The Intruders).

Simon tem uma carreira de 15 anos, primeiro com sua banda o Vanilla Chainsaws, onde conseguiu uma boa repercussão na sua terra natal, e chegou a chamar atenção na Europa, mais precisamente pelo selo alemão Glitterhouse Records, que chegou a lançar algum material por aquelas bandas. Com o final do Vanilla, Chainsaw resolveu viajar pelo mundo, e em uma dessas viagens ele atracou aqui no Brasil, e logo se enturmou com o pessoal do cenário underground daqui. Gravou esse Cd tendo como banda de apoio o Forgotten Boys, de São Paulo, que desde 97 tem feito um som bem honesto e batalhando duro e dividindo palco com bandas como Stiff Little Fingers, the Lurkers, Ratos de Porão, the Backyard Babies, Attaque 77, Marky Ramone, Planet Hemp, Zumbis do Espaço e outros.

O Cd é super pesado, viceral mesmo! Soa como uma banda toca junto á 10 anos. É um disco de puro Punk Rock. A música título "Basta", com a participação do Clemente é sensacional. Outros bons momentos são "This Time", "Can't Run", "Thinking 'Bout It" e "Killing Off The Past". O som está mais para o Punk tradicional a lá Dead Boys, Ramones, Exploited do que para a tendência "emo" atuais. É um som bem cru, com um ótimos vocais e uma "guitarrera" brava, nada açucarado.

Eu recomendo esse "crossover" á todos que gostam de Rock'n Roll sem "frescuras", barulhento e direto. Ponto a mais tanto para Simon Chainsaw, quanto para o ótimo trabalho do Forgotten Boys. E Simon gostou tanto do resultado que já está gravando outro álbum com músicos brasileiros. Parabéns á todos os envolvidos no projeto e ao novo selo "Wild Dogs" que promete abrir espaço para mais lançamentos dessa qualidade. Por Guilherme Vignini Basta

Zona punk online

 Simon Chainsaw - Basta (2002) - Tronador Records
por: Jean Carlos

Vamos direto ao assunto: a melhor definição para este álbum é “puro Rock n’ roll”.
Talvez você não conheça Simon Chainsaw (líder da banda australiana Vanilla Chainsaw e que atualmente vive em POA), mas pode ter certeza de que será surpreendido positivamente por guitarras distorcidas e muita pegada.
“Basta” apresenta 13 faixas, incluíndo “Thinking ‘Bout It” -que é daquelas estilo “quebra tudo”, “This Time” -com um solão de guitarra e a participação de Johnny Pisano do Intruders, “Basta” -na qual Simon divide os vocais com Clemente dos Inocentes, “Million Miles Away” -que não nega a origem aussie do artista, bem evidente na velocidade e distorção das guitarras, “Always Wrong” -que parece muito com Ramones (não é a toa que ele participou do tributo aos caras em POA), e a melhor do cd, “Killing Of The Past”.
Além das participações já citadas, temos ainda o pessoal do Okoto, ex-membros do Planet Hemp, e o Forgotten Boys, esta última que gravou todo o cd junto com Simon.

オーストラリア・シドニーの伝説的ガレージ/パワーポップ・バンドVANILLA CHAINSAWのメイン・マンSimon Chainsawが活動の拠点を北アメリカ/ブラジルに移してバックバンドTHE FORGOTTEN BOYSを従えてレコーディングしたのがこのアルバム。SimonはRADIO BIRDMAN, NEW RACEやMarky Ramone等との交流も深く、これまで何度と無く彼らとツアーやレコーディングをしたとの事。VANILLA CHAINSAW時代にも窺い知れた彼のポップセンスが、この"Basta"アルバムで開花しました。Johnny Thunders, NY DOLLSやKevin Kスタイルのキャッチーなロックンロール・サウンドにRAMONESをミックスしたかのような素晴らしいアルバムです。ロックンロール、グラム、パンク、ガレージそしてパワーポップ全てを呑み込んだモンスターアルバムです。文句無しの大推薦盤!!The ChevellesのコンピレーションCDや、オーストラリアのパワーポップ、ガレージ、サーフ・バンドばかりリリースしているブラジルのレーベルTronador Recordsからのリリース。


Simon Chainsaw and the Forgotten Boys – ‘Basta’ (TronAdor Music)
Total Running Time – 53:15

Pleasant enough punk rock n roll with both pop sensibilities and a major hard rock edge.The riffing is solid if a little unoriginal in places with some definite metal influence.  Simon has obviously listened to a lot of Sonny Vincent and thrown in a pinch of Ramones, Rainbow (yes you read that correctly), Alice In Chains and Turbonegro on the noodly guitar solos most notably on ‘I’ve Been Down’ and opener ‘Thinking About It’.The Turbonegro comparison rears its head again on the title track a pounding rocker and one of the highlights of the album in my opinion. Worth checking out.




