vanilla chainsaws reviews

wine dark sea

Review c/o Steve Gardner "Noise for Heroes" Fanzine and Web Site

Another guitar band from Sydney, the Vanilla Chainsaws have a surprisingly different sound from the stereotypical Sydney rock band.Rather than drawing from the Stooges, speed metal, or hardcore, they've got an attack that sits somewhere between Candy Apple Grey HuskerDu and early U2. There's lots of fat, ringing guitars with some neat leads over the top and the vocals are really expressive with just a touch of raspiness to give them some punch. The five songs here are a little softer and more introspective than on the two singles, but are still solid. The lyrics tend to be anthemic pieces of poetry, and at times they have a ring of pretension to'll be interesting to see how this band goes if it becomes commercially successful, which they certainly have the potential to do. This sort of stuff tends to sound believable from the struggling unrecognized artisan, but can come across like bullshit from the gold record winner. Witness the Alarm.


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