vanilla chainsaws reviews

T.S. (was it really me)/everything

Review c/o Steve Gardner "Noise for Heroes" Fanzine and Web Site

I've read at least two total rave reviews of this, and though it's certainly a promising debut, there are plenty of other Aussie leadoff singles as good. It has that Husker Du wall of ringing guitar chords approach that sounds instantly very appealing, but the sound isn't enough to hold up to repeated listenings all by itself. On the A-side there's not a hell of a lot in the way of a hook, and the one significant guitar riff is played into the ground. And besides, it has a godawful arty title. The flip is a bit better, with a real good pounding drum sound. You can do a lot worse than this single for sure, but what I'd like to see is all the knobs set exactly like this and then some really good material to be played with it.



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